Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: Brake Service


1. Raise and support rear of vehicle, then remove tire and wheel assembly.
2. Mark drum and axle hub, then remove brake drum. If brake lining is dragging on brake drum, back off brake adjustment by rotating adjustment screw. If brake drum is rusted or corroded to axle flange and cannot be removed, lightly tap axle flange to drum mounting surface with suitable hammer.
3. Unhook primary and secondary return springs using brake spring removal and installation tool Nos. J-8049 or J-29840, or equivalents, Fig. 1. Observe location of brake components being removed to aid during installation.
4. Remove brake hold-down springs with suitable tool.
5. Lift actuating lever, then unhook and remove actuating link from anchor pin.
6. Remove actuating lever(s) and return spring.
7. Spread shoes apart and remove parking brake strut and spring.
8. Disconnect parking brake cable from lever and remove brake shoes from backing plate.
9. Separate brake shoes by removing adjusting screw and spring, then unhook parking brake lever from shoe assembly.
10. Clean dirt from brake drum, backing plate and other components. Do not use compressed air or dry brush to clean brake components. Clean brake components with water soaked rag or suitable vacuum cleaner to minimize airborne dust.


1. Lubricate parking brake lever fulcrum with suitable brake lubricant and attach lever to brake shoe. Ensure lever operates smoothly.
2. Connect brake shoes with adjusting screw spring and position adjusting screw. Ensure adjusting screw star wheel does not contact adjusting screw spring. Ensure righthand thread adjusting screw is installed on lefthand side of vehicle and lefthand thread adjusting screw is installed on righthand side of vehicle. Ensure star wheel lines up with adjusting hole in backing plate.
3. Lubricate backing plate shoe contact surfaces with suitable brake lubricant and area where parking brake cable contacts backing plate.
4. Install brake shoes on backing plate while engaging wheel cylinder links (if equipped) with shoe webbing. Primary shoe (short lining) faces towards front of vehicle. End without strut spring should engage parking brake lever and secondary shoe. End with strut spring should engage primary shoe.
5. Connect parking brake cable to parking brake lever.
6. Install actuating levers, actuating link and return spring.
7. Install hold-down springs with suitable tool.
8. Install primary and secondary shoe return springs using suitable brake spring pliers.
9. Measure inside diameter using suitable brake drum to shoe gauge.
10. Adjust brake shoes to dimension obtained on outside portion of gauge.
11. Install brake drum, wheel and tire assembly.
12. If any hydraulic connections have been opened, bleed brake system.
13. Adjust parking brake.
14. Inspect hydraulic lines and connections for leaks.
15. Inspect and adjust master cylinder fluid level.
16. Inspect brake pedal for proper feel and return.
17. Lower vehicle and road test. Do not severely apply brakes immediately after installation of new brake linings or permanent damage may occur to linings, and/or brake drums may become scored. Brakes must be used moderately during first several hundred miles of operation to ensure proper burnishing of linings.

Fig. 1 Drum brake assembly

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