Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: Fuel Pump Replacement

1. Relieve fuel system pressure.
2. Drain fuel tank.
3. Raise and support vehicle.
4. Disconnect fuel pump module fuel feed and return line quick connect fittings from fuel filter. Cap or plug fuel feed and return line fittings to prevent fuel loss and/or contamination.
5. Disconnect fuel tank EVAP line quick connect fittings from EVAP canister. Cap or plug EVAP lines and canister fittings to prevent system contamination.
6. Disconnect fuel tank vent line quick connect fitting from fill pipe recirculation line.
7. Loosen fuel fill hose clamp at fuel tank, then remove fuel fill hose from tank. Cap or plug fuel tank opening and vent line to prevent fuel loss and/or system contamination.
8. Disconnect fuel tank harness electrical connectors from body harness pass through connector.
9. Disconnect fuel tank harness electrical connector from fuel tank pressure sensor.
10. Disconnect fuel tank harness electrical connector from EVAP canister vent solenoid valve.
11. Remove harness retainers from underbody.
12. Release exhaust assembly insulators from underbody hangers and slowly lower exhaust, allow exhaust to rest on rear axle beam.
13. Support fuel tank with a suitable jack.
14. Remove lefthand tank strap bolts and strap, then the righthand tank strap bolts and strap.
15. To clear exhaust assembly, slowly lower righthand side of tank. Use care when feeding fuel, EVAP lines and electrical harness around rear axle.
16. Once tank is clear of righthand frame rail, pull tank down and toward righthand side of vehicle.
17. Note position of tank rear shield prior to releasing pump module pipe retainer.
18. Release retaining tab on fuel tank retainer used to secure fuel pump module pipes in position on tank.
19. Release fuel pump module electrical harness from retaining slot on tank.
20. Disconnect fuel pump module harness electrical connector from fuel tank pressure sensor.
21. Carefully rotate fuel pump module retaining lock ring using fuel sender lock nut wrench tool No. J 39765, or equivalent.
22. Remove fuel pump module retaining lock ring, by sliding ring over module pipes and electrical harness.
23. Slowly raise fuel pump module assembly until fuel level sensor float arm is just visible.
24. Remove fuel pump module assembly from fuel tank.
25. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
  a. Install new fuel pump module to fuel tank seal.
  b. Tilt pump module toward rear of fuel tank to enable level sensor float arm to clear tank opening.
  c. Ensure fuel pump module retaining lock ring is fully seated within fuel tank retaining tab slots.
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