Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: Ball Joint, Replace
2. |
Secure control arm in a suitable vise. |
3. |
Drill out three rivets retaining ball
joint to lower control arm. Install a 1/8 inch bit in order to make
a pilot hole through rivets. Complete drilling rivets using suitable
1/2 drill bit, Fig. 1. |
4. |
Remove ball joint from control arm,
Fig. 1. |
5. |
Reverse procedure to install, noting
the following: |
a. |
Torque wheel lug nuts to 100
ft. lbs. |
b. |
Torque ball joint to control
arm to 50 ft. lbs. |
c. |
Torque control arm to front
frame bolts to 41 ft. lbs. |
d. |
Torque control arm to rear frame
bolts to 74 ft. lbs. |

Fig. 1 Control arm mounting bolt removal
Initialization Sequence
The EBCM performs one initialization
test each ignition cycle. The initialization of the EBCM occurs when the
EBCM detects the there is a minimum of 500 RPM fro ...
Raise and support vehicle.
Support rear axle with suitable jack
stands near each shock absorber.
Chevrolet Cobalt Owners Manual
Chevrolet Cobalt Service Manual