Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: Fuel Pressure Relief

1. Loosen fuel fill cap to relieve fuel tank vapor pressure.
2. Remove engine cover.
3. Remove fuel rail service port cap, then wrap a shop towel around fuel rail service port.
4. Depress (open) fuel rail test port valve using a small flat-bladed tool.
5. Remove shop towel from around fuel rail service port, and place in an approved gasoline container.
6. Install fuel rail service port cap and engine cover.
    Fuel Pumps

    Fuel Pump Replacement
    1. Relieve fuel system pressure. 2. Drain fuel tank. 3. Raise and support vehicle. 4. ...

    See also:

    Chevrolet Cobalt Owners Manual. OnStar®
    OnStar® uses several innovative technologies and live advisors to provide a wide range of safety, security, navigation, diagnostics, and calling services. Automatic Crash Response In a crash, built in sensors can automatically alert an OnStar advisor who is immediately connected to the vehi ...

    Chevrolet Cobalt Owners Manual

    Chevrolet Cobalt Service Manual

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