Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: Wheel Alignment

Preliminary Inspection

1. Ensure all tires are of recommended size and are inflated to proper pressure.
2. Inspect all tires for damage and uneven tread wear.
3. Ensure wheel bearings, control arm ball studs and bushings, relay rods and tie rod ends are in satisfactory condition. Looseness must be corrected before wheels can be aligned.
4. Inspect wheel and tire radial and lateral runout, as follows:
  a. With wheel and tire assembly off vehicle, runout should be approximately .050 inch.
  b. When on vehicle, runout should be approximately .060 inch.
5. If wheel and tire assembly runout specifications cannot be met, separate tire from wheel and measure wheel runout. Wheel runout should be approximately .030 inch.
6. Inspect vehicle ride height.
7. Ensure steering gear is not loose at frame mounting.
8. Inspect stabilizer shafts for loose or missing components.
9. Ensure struts and shocks are not leaking or excessively worn and strut upper mounts are in satisfactory condition.
10. Inspect all remaining suspension and steering components for damage and repair or replace prior to setting wheel alignment.
11. Ensure fuel tank is full or compensating ballast is added for proper weight distribution.
12. Ensure vehicle is on level surface and all loads that are normally carried inside vehicle are present.
13. Bounce front and rear of vehicle three times before beginning wheel alignment procedures.



Caster is not adjustable. If caster angle is not within specifications, inspect for suspension support misalignment or front suspension damage.


1. Loosen both strut to knuckle nuts just enough to allow for movement.
2. If strut has not been modified previously, proceed as follows:
  a. Remove strut from knuckle.
  b. File lower hole until groove of stamped ring around hole, Fig. 1.
  c. Install strut.
3. Adjust camber to specification by moving top of wheel in or out.


Toe-out is controlled by tie rod position. Adjustment is made by loosening the clamp bolts or jam nuts at the steering knuckle end of the tie rods and rotating the rods to obtain proper toe setting, Fig. 2. After proper toe setting is obtained, torque mounting nuts and bolts to 50 ft. lbs.

Fig. 1 Strut modification for camber adjustment

Fig. 2 Toe adjustment

    Camber Adjust
    1. Loosen both strut to knuckle nuts just enough to allow for movement. 2. Adjust the camber to specification by moving the top of ...

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    Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual. Computer Relearn Procedure
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