Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: Pinpoint Test

Ensure battery voltage is greater than 12 volts prior to and during pinpoint test.
Caution: Do not have a battery charger attached during vehicle testing.
Warning: Never use electrical test equipment on any circuit related to the SRS unless instructed by the manufacturer. SRS wiring harnesses can be identified by yellow and/or orange harnesses or harness connectors.
1. Obtain manufacturer pinpoint test tables for vehicle system to be tested.
2. Obtain required manufacturer connector views for any electrical connectors involved in testing.
3. Following pinpoint test table, use a multimeter and/or 12V test light to test circuits as instructed. Manufacturer connector views will help identify color/number of wire circuits to be tested at connector.
4. Once issue has been located, correct issue and retest electrical system as outlined in "Retest System."
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    Chevrolet Cobalt Service Manual

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