Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: Differential, Overhaul


When pinion gears are removed, place final drive carrier into a clean transmission oil pan in order to prevent losing needle bearings.
1. Remove final drive sun gear (115), Fig. 1.
2. Remove differential pinion shaft retaining pin (704) using a pin punch as illustrated in Fig. 2.
3. Remove differential pinion shaft (703), Fig. 3.
4. Remove differential pinion gears (707), thrust washers (706), differential side gears (709), and thrust washers (708), Fig. 4.
5. Inspect final drive sun gear to carrier thrust bearing (700), Fig. 5.
6. Inspect all pinions for excessive wear or bearing noise.


1. Assemble thrust washers (708) onto differential side gears (709), Fig. 4.
2. Install differential side gears into final drive carrier (702), Fig. 4.
3. Assemble thrust washers (706) onto pinion gears (707). Retain thrust washers with a suitable lubricant, Fig. 4.
4. With thrust washers (706) attached, install pinion gears (707) into final drive carrier (702), Fig. 4.
5. Rotate pinion gears (707) into position, and install pinion shaft (703) through final drive carrier through pinion gears (707), Fig. 4.
6. Position pinion shaft (703) in order to allow installation of retaining pin, Fig. 4.
7. Install retaining pin (704) through final drive carrier (702) and through pinion shaft (703) in order to retain pinion shaft (703), Fig. 4.

Fig. 1 Sun gear replacement

Fig. 2 Pinion shaft retaining pin removal

Fig. 3 Differential pinion shaft replacement

Fig. 4 Differential thrust washers & gears

Fig. 5 Gear to carrier thrust bearing inspection

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    Chevrolet Cobalt Service Manual

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