Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: CV Joint R&R

1. Remove the wheel drive shaft from the vehicle.
2. Install the wheel drive shaft (2) into a vise, Fig. 1
3. Using a hand grinder, remove and discard the inner (4) and outer (2) boot clamps, Fig. 2.
4. Separate the CV joint boot from the CV joint race (2) at the large diameter, Fig. 3.
5. Slide the boot away from the joint along the wheel drive shaft.
6. Remove the lubricant from the face of the CV joint inner race (1), Fig. 3.
7. Choose a reference mark (B) on the shaft, Fig. 3.
8. Measure the distance between the reference mark (B) and the face of the CV joint inner race (1). Make a note of this measurement (A), Fig. 3.
9. Mark as a reference the inboard side, toward the center of the half shaft bar, of the CV joint inner race (1), Fig. 3.
10. Inspect the CV joint inner race/shaft interface for the presence of a retaining ring. If present, use the special tool No. J-8039-A to remove the retaining ring.
11. Attach special tool No. J-41398 to the threaded area of the outer race (2), Fig. 4.
12. Attach special tool No. J-2619-01 onto the outer end of special tool No. J-41398, Fig. 5.
13. Use special tool No. J-2619-01 to remove the CV joint from the shaft.
14. Remove special tool No. J-2619-01 and special tool No. J-41398 from the CV joint.
15. Remove the retaining ring from the shaft. Discard the retaining ring.
16. Remove the CV joint seal (1) from the shaft, Fig. 5.
17. Place a brass drift against the CV joint cage (1), Fig. 6.
18. Tap gently on the brass drift with a hammer in order to tilt the cage (1), Fig. 6.
19. Remove the first chrome alloy ball (2) when the CV joint cage (1) tilts, Fig. 6.
20. Tilt the CV joint cage (1) in the opposite direction to remove the opposing chrome alloy ball (2), Fig. 6.
21. Repeat this process to remove all 6 balls.
22. Pivot the CV joint cage (4) and the inner race 90 degrees to the centerline of the outer race (1). At the same time, align the cage windows with the lands of the outer race (2), Fig. 7.
23. Lift out the cage (4) and the inner race, Fig. 7.
24. Remove the inner race (1) from the cage (2) by rotating the inner race (1) upward, Fig. 8.
25. Clean the inner and outer race assemblies, the CV joint cage and the chrome alloy balls thoroughly with cleaning solvent. Remove all traces of old grease and any contaminates.
26. Dry all the parts. Check the CV joint assembly for unusual wear, cracks, or other damage, then replace any damaged parts.
27. Clean the shaft. Use a wire brush to remove any rust in the seal mounting area (grooves).
28. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
  a. Put a light coat of grease from service kit on the ball grooves of the inner race and the outer race.
  b. Hold the inner race 90 degrees to the centerline of the cage with the lands of the inner race aligned with the windows of cage.
  c. Insert the inner race into the cage.
  d. Hold the cage and the inner race 90 degrees to the centerline of the outer race. Align the cage windows with the lands of the outer race.
  e. Install the new swage ring on the neck of the seal. Do not crimp.
  f. Check the gap dimension. Continue tightening until the correct gap dimension is reached. Dimension 0.091 inch.
  g. Crimp seal retaining clamp (1) with special tool No. J-35910, a breaker bar (3), and a torque wrench (2), Fig. 9.
  h. Torque seal retaining clamp to 130 ft. lbs.

Fig. 1 Wheel drive shaft replacement

Fig. 2 Inner and outer boot clamp replacement

Fig. 3 CV joint boot and joint race separation

Fig. 4 Outer race replacement

Fig. 5 CV joint retaining ring and shaft replacement

Fig. 6 CV joint cage replacement

Fig. 7 CV joint inner race replacement

Fig. 8 CV joint inner race cage replacement

Fig. 9 Crimp seal replacement

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