Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: CV Joint Boot R&R

1. Remove the wheel drive shaft from the vehicle.
2. Install the wheel drive shaft (2) into a vise, Fig. 1
3. Using a hand grinder, remove and discard the inner (4) and outer (2) boot clamps, Fig. 2.
4. Separate the CV joint boot from the CV joint race (2) at the large diameter, Fig. 3.
5. Slide the boot away from the joint along the wheel drive shaft.
6. Reverse procedure to install.

Fig. 1 Wheel drive shaft replacement

Fig. 2 Inner and outer boot clamp replacement

Fig. 3 CV joint boot and joint race separation

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    CV Joint R&R
    1. Remove the wheel drive shaft from the vehicle. 2. Install the wheel drive shaft (2) into a vise, Fig. 1 3 ...

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    Chevrolet Cobalt Owners Manual

    Chevrolet Cobalt Service Manual

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