Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: Axle Shaft Oil Seal R&R

1. Raise and suitably support the vehicle.
2. Remove the front wheel and tire assemblies.
3. Insert a punch or drift in the cooling fins of the brake rotor.
4. Using a breaker bar and the appropriate size socket, loosen the wheel drive shaft nut.
5. Have an assistant apply the brakes.
6. Remove the wheel drive shaft nut (2) from the wheel drive shaft (1) and discard. DO NOT reuse the wheel drive shaft nut. Use new nut only, Fig. 1.
7. Using special tool No. J-28733-B, separate the wheel drive shaft from the steering knuckle.
8. Remove the lower ball joint from the steering knuckle, Fig. 2.
9. Using special tool No. J-2619-A and special tool No. J-45341, remove the wheel drive shaft.
10. Use special tool No. J-23907 in order to remove the seal.
11. Inspect the seal bore for nicks or for burrs. Clean the bore with a fine grade sandpaper, if necessary.
12. If the wheel drive shaft seal is found to be defective, replace the seal.
13. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
  a. Use special tool No. J-44385 and special tool No. J-7079-2 in order to install a new seal. Ensure the seal is seated flush to the outer bore area, Fig. 3.
  b. Lubricate the seal with transmission fluid.
  c. Torque wheel drive nut to 155 ft. lbs.

Fig. 1 Wheel drive shaft nut and drive shaft replacement

Fig. 2 Lower ball joint and drive shaft replacement

Fig. 3 Axle shaft oil seal replacement


    Axle Shaft R&R
    Refer to Fig. 1 when performing the following procedure. 1. Raise and support the vehicle. 2. Remove the rear tires and wheels ...

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