Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: Oil Change

Add the recommended refrigerant oil in the amount listed if you replace any of the parts listed. To avoid contamination, do not return the oil to the container once dispensed, and never mix it with other refrigerant oils. Immediately after using the oil, reinstall the cap on the container, and seal it to avoid moisture absorption. Do not spill the refrigerant oil on the vehicle it may damage the paint; if it gets on the paint, wash it off immediately.
1. Abrupt refrigerant loss. Add. 2.00 oz.
2. A/C condenser, add .75 fl. oz.
3. Front evaporator, add .75 fl. oz.
4. Line or hose, add .50 fl. oz.
5. Receiver dryer, add .34 fl. oz.
6. Total system capacity with front A/C only. 5.00 fl. oz.
7. A/C Compressor, subtract volume of oil drained from removed compressor from 2.5 fl. oz.
8. Drain calculated volume of oil from new compressor: volume of removed compressor should be equivalent to volume to be drain from new compressor.
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    Chevrolet Cobalt Service Manual

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