Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: Wheel, Replace


Caution: Never use heat to loosen a tight wheel. This can shorten the life of wheel and damage wheel bearings.
Wear approved safety glasses when performing the following service procedures.
Do not use power grinders to clean any of the brake rotor or brake drum to wheel contact areas.
1. Raise and support vehicle using suitable lift.
2. Remove wheel center cap, if equipped.
3. Remove wheel center cap nuts, if equipped.
4. Remove lug nuts from tire and wheel.
5. Remove tire and wheel assembly from vehicle.
6. If tire and wheel assembly is difficult to remove or cannot be removed, perform following steps:
  a. Apply a small amount of penetrating oil to lug nuts and center hub. Allow a few moments for penetrating oil to work.
  b. Loosen lug nuts two complete turns.
  c. Lower vehicle.
  d. Rock vehicle from side to side to loosen wheel.
  e. Repeat procedure, if required.
7. If tire and wheel assembly still does not loosen, perform following steps:
  a. Start engine.
  b. Allow vehicle to move forward, and quickly apply brakes. Repeat procedure in reverse.
  c. Repeat procedure, if required.
8. When tire and wheel assembly loosens, raise and support vehicle using suitable lift.
9. Remove tire and wheel assembly from vehicle.
10. Clean rotor to wheel or brake drum to wheel hub contact area using a wire brush or wire wheel.
11. Where possible, clean contact areas of wheel to brake rotor or brake drum using rotor resurfacing kit tool No. J-41013, or equivalent.
12. Clean surfaces around wheel studs using wheel hub resurfacing kit tool No. CH-42450-A, or equivalent.
13. Clean threads of wheel studs.
14. If threads of wheel stud are damaged, replace wheel stud as outlined in "Wheel Lug Stud, Replace."
15. After cleaning all of wheel and brake rotor or drum contact areas, use brake cleaner or denatured alcohol to remove any dirt and debris from wheel nuts and brake rotor or drum.
16. Inspect and clean contact areas of wheel.


Caution: Before installing wheels, remove any build up of corrosion on the wheel mounting surface by scraping and wire brushing. Installing wheels without good metal to metal contact at the mounting surfaces can cause wheel bolts or nuts to loosen, which can later allow a wheel bolt or nut to come off while the vehicle is moving. Wheel bolts or nuts must be tightened in sequence and to proper torque to avoid bending the wheel, brake drum or rotor.
Caution: Improperly tightened wheel bolts or nuts can lead to brake pulsation and rotor damage. In order to avoid expensive brake repairs, evenly tighten the wheel bolts or nuts to the proper torque specification.
1. Install tire and wheel assembly.
2. Hand install lug nuts.
3. Torque lug nuts in sequence, as illustrated in Fig. 1, to 100 ft. lbs.
4. Install wheel center cap, if equipped.
5. Install wheel cap nuts, if equipped.

Fig. 1 Lug nut tighten sequence

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