Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: Rear Side Marker Lamp Bulb, Replace


1. Remove rear side marker lamp.
2. Rotate rear side marker lamp bulb socket (1) counterclockwise and remove from lamp housing, Fig. 1.
3. Remove rear side marker lamp bulb (2), Fig. 1.
4. Reverse procedure to install.


Warning: Halogen bulbs contain gas under pressure. Handling a bulb improperly could cause it to shatter into flying glass fragments. To help avoid personal injury: Turn off the lamp switch and allow the bulb to cool before changing the bulb. Leave the lamp switch OFF until the bulb change is complete. Always wear eye protection when changing a halogen bulb. Handle the bulb only by its base. Avoid touching the glass. Keep dirt and moisture off the bulb. Properly dispose of the used bulb. Keep halogen bulbs out of the reach of children.
Caution: Avoid touching the bulb or letting the bulb come in contact with anything damp. Oil from your skin or moisture on the bulb can cause the bulb to explode when the bulb is turned on. If either comes in contact with the bulb, clean the bulb with alcohol or a suitable degreaser and wipe the bulb dry.
1. Remove tail lamp assembly.
2. Twist and remove rear side marker lamp bulb socket (1) from tail lamp assembly, Fig. 2.
3. Remove rear side marker lamp bulb (2), Fig. 2.
4. Reverse procedure to install.

Fig. 1 Rear side marker lamp bulb removal. Coupe

Fig. 2 Rear side marker lamp bulb removal. Sedan

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