Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: Heater Hose, Replace


1. Drain coolant into a suitable container.
2. Loosen hose clamp connecting hose to heater core inlet tube.
3. Loosen hose clamp connecting hose to water pump bypass tube.
4. Remove hose from vehicle.
5. Reverse procedure to install.


1. Drain coolant into a suitable container.
2. Loosen hose clamp connecting hose to heater core outlet tube.
3. Loosen hose clamp connecting hose to intake manifold tube.
4. Remove hose from vehicle.
5. Reverse procedure to install.
    Coolant Hose, Replace
    Lower 1. Drain coolant into a suitable container. 2. Loosen hose clamp connecting hose to radiator. 3. Loos ...

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