Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: Troubleshooting

When troubleshooting the hydraulic brake system, perform the following inspections.

Master Cylinder Internal Fluid Leakage Check

Start engine and depress the brake pedal. If the pedal gradually falls under constant pressure, the hydraulic system may be leaking. Raise the vehicle on a lift and inspect all tubing lines and backing plates for signs of leakage. It may be required to lift or remove the carpeting or floor mats to inspect for booster or master cylinder leakage.

Road Test

When testing brakes, ensure the road is level and dry. Test brakes at both light and heavy pedal pressure. Do not lock up brakes or slide tires during a brake test.
Inspect the tires on the vehicle before performing a brake test. Tires should be equally inflated, identical in size and with equal tread pattern. Excessive camber and caster will cause the brakes to pull. An overloaded vehicle will also brake erratically.
    Tightening Specifications
    Year Component Torque Ft. Lbs. AVEO 2010 Bleeder Screw 80 1 Bleeder Va ...

    Parking Brake Systems

    See also:

    Chevrolet Cobalt Owners Manual. Wheel Alignment and Tire Balance
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    Chevrolet Cobalt Owners Manual

    Chevrolet Cobalt Service Manual

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