Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: Adjustments

Parking Brake


Do not operate the park brake lever with the rear disc brake rotor(s) removed.
1. Apply and fully release parking brake three times.
2. Verify parking brake pedal releases completely.
3. Raise and support vehicle.
4. Remove rear tire and wheel assemblies.
5. Remove rear brake rotors.
6. Place drum to brake shoe clearance gauge tool No. J-21177-A, or equivalent, inside of park brake drum at widest point, Fig. 1.
7. Tighten set screw on gauge tool to ensure proper measurement when removing tool from drum.
8. Position brake shoe clearance gauge tool No. J-21177-A, or equivalent, over park brake shoe at widest point, Fig. 2.
9. Turn adjuster on actuator until park brake shoe just contacts gauge tool.
10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 for opposite side.


1. Apply and release park brake several times. Ensure lever is released completely.
2. Turn ignition to On position and ensure red BRAKE lamp is not illuminated. If lamp is illuminated, verify following:
  a. Park brake lever is in released position and against stop.
  b. There is no slack in park brake cable.
3. Turn ignition to Off position.
4. Remove brake lever boot from console.
5. Pull boot away from console.
6. Loosen front park brake cable adjusting nut to end of front cable threaded rod.
7. Raise and support vehicle.
8. Adjust rear drum brakes.
9. Ensure no brake shoe drag is present by rotating brake drums.
10. Install two wheel nuts to drums and lower vehicle.
11. Raise park brake lever six notched positions and install cable adjusting nut.
12. Tighten park brake cable adjusting nut.
13. Release park brake lever and ensure park brake is released.
14. If drums do not rotate freely, raise park brake lever three notched positions and rotate brake drum.
15. Righthand rear brake drum should not rotate forward or rearward and lefthand rear drum should not rotate in either direction.
16. Raise park brake lever one additional notched position and attempt to rotate brake drums.
17. Ensure left and righthand brake drums cannot be rotated. Raise vehicle.
18. Remove brake drum mounting bolts, then install tire and wheel assemblies.
19. Lower vehicle, position park brake lever boot to front console and release park brake lever.


1. Apply and release park brake several times. Ensure lever is released completely.
2. Turn ignition to On position and ensure red BRAKE lamp is not illuminated. If lamp is illuminated, verify following:
  a. Park brake lever is in released position and against stop.
  b. There is no slack in park brake cable.
3. Raise and support vehicle.
4. With parking brake pedal fully released, check parking brake levers on rear calipers. The levers should be against stops on caliper housings.
5. Apply and release parking three to five times, this will allow cable tensioner to take up slack in the parking brake cable.
6. Apply parking brake, a firm pedal should be felt by depressing pedal less than one full stroke.
7. Try to rotate rear wheel. They should not rotate in either direction.
8. Release parking brake. Tires should rotate freely with no drag.

Fig. 1 Park brake drum measurement. Camaro

Fig. 2 Park brake adjustment. Camaro

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