Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: Clutch, Replace
1. |
Evacuate system as outlined under "Refrigerant
Recovery" in "General Service" on main menu selection. |
2. |
Raise and support the vehicle. |
3. |
Remove righthand front fender inner
liner screws and pin type retainers, then the liner. |
4. |
Rotate drive belt tensioner counterclockwise
to release tensioner spring tension. |
6. |
Disconnect A/C compressor electrical
connector. |
7. |
Remove A/C compressor hoses from compressor,
Fig. 1, then seal hose opening. |
8. |
Remove and discard sealing washers. |
9. |
Remove compressor mounting bolts,
Fig. 2, then the compressor. |
10. |
Reverse procedure to install, noting
the following: |
a. |
Torque compressor hoses to 12-15
ft. lbs. |
b. |
Torque compressor mounting bolts
to 16 ft. lbs. |
11. |
Remove and discard compressor clutch
plate bolt. Use clutch drive plate bolt using clutch plate holding
tool No. J 37872, or equivalent, Fig. 3. |
12. |
Remove compressor clutch plate. |
13. |
Remove compressor pulley snap ring
using suitable snap ring pliers. |
14. |
Slide compressor pulley off of compressor. |
15. |
Remove compressor clutch coil snap
ring using suitable snap ring pliers. |
16. |
Slide compressor clutch coil off of
compressor. |
17. |
Carefully clean clutch plate bolt threads
with a M6 x 1.0 tap. Carefully blow out debris with compressed air. |
18. |
Slide compressor clutch coil onto compressor,
Fig. 4. |
19. |
Install compressor clutch coil snap
ring using suitable snap ring pliers. |
20. |
Place a small amount of oil on 0.016
inch air gap shim and place inside clutch drive plate. |
21. |
Install compressor clutch plate. |
22. |
Measure air gap between pulley and
drive plate, then adjust shims to achieve a 0.012-0.024 inch air
gap, Fig. 5. Ensure drive plate does not drag
against pulley when pulley is rotated. |
23. |
Make certain that new drive plate bolt
has colored adhesive on at least 5 threads. Install the clutch drive
plate bolt using clutch plate holding tool No. J 37872, or equivalent,
Fig. 3. |
24. |
Torque compressor clutch drive
plate bolt to 106 inch lbs. |

Fig. 1 A/C compressor hoses & seal removal

Fig. 2 Exploded view of compressor replacement

Fig. 3 Clutch plate holding tool & bolt installation

Fig. 4 Install dutch pulley onto compressor

Fig. 5 Compressor clutch air gap adjustment
Evacuate system as outlined under "Refrigerant
Recovery" in "General Service" on main menu selection.
Remove hi ...
Chevrolet Cobalt Owners Manual
Chevrolet Cobalt Service Manual