Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: Heater Core, Replace

1. Apply park brake.
2. Shift transmission into neutral.
3. Remove console shift lever bezel by carefully lifting up around outside edge.
4. Unsnap shift boot from front console cupholder.
5. Lift front console cupholder to disengage retaining fasteners, then disconnect electrical connectors.
6. Remove lefthand and righthand console side extension retainers. Turn retainers counterclockwise to remove.
7. Remove lefthand and righthand console side extensions by pulling console side extensions rearward to disengage from console.
8. Remove console center extension screws. Pull outward on console center extension to disengage retaining fasteners and remove extensions.
9. Remove console compartment screws.Fig. 1.
10. Lift up on rear of console compartment to release retaining fasteners.
11. Lift console compartment and push park brake boot through opening in compartment.
12. Slide console compartment over park brake lever.
13. Disconnect rear power outlet electrical connector.
14. Remove front and rear console screws.
15. Lift console over park brake lever and shift lever, then remove console.
16. Remove wiring harness rosebud from righthand center support bracket.
17. Pull back carpet at bottom of support bracket and remove lower nuts.
18. Remove nuts and remove bracket.
19. Disconnect small and large body harness connectors from Body Control Module (BCM).
20. Remove BCM nuts, then the BCM.
21. Pull back carpet at bottom of lefthand instrument panel (I/P) center support bracket, then remove lefthand I/P center support bracket nuts.
22. Remove accelerator control pedal from front of dash and position aside.
23. Raise center floor outlet duct while pushing floor ducts down to disengage ducts.
24. Rotate center floor outlet duct forward in vehicle and pull down to disengage it from HVAC module.
25. Remove heater core cover screws, Fig. 2.
26. Pull heater core cover down just enough to clear locating pins from HVAC module. Slide heater core cover rearward until drain tube clears front of dash. Slide heater core cover down, rearward, and to righthand side to remove.
27. Remove surge tank cap.
28. Remove water pump drain bolt and drain engine coolant into a suitable container.
29. Remove heater hoses from heater core, Fig. 3.
30. Remove retainers, then the heater core.
31. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
  a. Torque heater core pipe clamp screws to 11 inch lbs.
  b. Torque heater core cover screws to 15 inch lbs.

Fig. 1 Center console replacement

Fig. 2 Heater core cover removal

Fig. 3 Heater core replacement

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