Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: Precautions

1. After disassembling power brake unit, soak metal components in solvent.
2. Use only alcohol on components containing rubber. After components have been thoroughly cleaned and rinsed in solvent, they should be washed again in clean alcohol before assembly.
3. Use compressed air to blow dirt and cleaning fluid from recesses and internal passages.
4. Always use all components furnished in repair kit.
5. Use extreme caution when disassembling power assist mechanisms. If internal spring tension is suddenly released it could cause damage or personal injury.
6. Brake boosters are not serviceable and should be replaced as an assembly.
    General Service
    Two basic types of power assist mechanisms are used: vacuum assist diaphragm assemblies, which use engine vacuum or in some cases vacuum pressure developed by an external vacuum pum ...

    Brakes Grab 1. Contaminated, worn or faulty brake linings. 2. Drum or brake rotor out-of-round. 3. Faulty b ...

    See also:

    Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual. Hood Hinge
    Removal When a hood hold open device is being removed or installed, provide alternate support to avoid possibility of damage to vehicle or personal injury. 1. Open hood. 2. Place a suitable support between hood and ...

    Chevrolet Cobalt Owners Manual

    Chevrolet Cobalt Service Manual

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