Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: Hood Primary & Secondary Latch

Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual / Body & Frame / Hood Primary & Secondary Latch


1. Open hood.
2. Mark hood latch location to support bracket with a grease pencil.
3. Remove hood latch bolts, Fig. 1.
4. Disconnect release cable from hood latch by squeezing cable retainer, Fig. 2.
5. Remove hood latch from vehicle.


1. Install hood latch release cable to hood latch, Fig. 2.
2. Position hood latch to alignment marks on support bracket.
3. Install hood latch bolts, Fig. 1.
4. Tighten latch bolts with latch in full up position.
5. Slowly close hood and press down until hood is flush with fenders.
6. Raise hood. Torque bolts to 89 inch lbs.
7. Adjust hood, if required as outlined in Hood.
8. Close hood.

Fig. 1 Hood latch

Fig. 2 Release cable to latch

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