Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: Hood


1. Open and support hood.
2. Install a protective covering over fenders.
3. Remove hood insulator, if equipped.
4. Mark upper hood hinge location to hood with a grease pencil.
5. With an assistant, remove hood hinge to hood bolts, Fig. 1.
6. With an assistant, remove hood.


1. With an assistant, position hood to hinges.
2. Align hood hinges to alignment marks on hood.
3. Install bolts that secure hinge to hood Fig. 1.
4. Torque bolts to 89 inch lbs.
5. Install hood insulator, if equipped.
6. Adjust hood, as required.
7. Remove protective covering from fenders.
8. Remove support and close hood.


1. Loosen hinge to body bolts to adjust hood fore and aft, and cross-vehicle, Fig. 2. Position hood as needed.
2. Loosen hinge to hood bolts to adjust hood up and down at rear of hood. Position hood as needed.
3. Adjust hood latch and hood bumpers to adjust hood up and down at front of hood, Fig. 3.
4. Tighten hinge and latch bolts.
  a. Torque hinge-to-hood bolts to 89 inch lbs.
  b. Torque hinge-to-body bolts to 89 inch lbs.
  c. Torque hood latch nuts to 89 inch lbs.

Fig. 1 Hood hinge bolts

Fig. 2 Hood hinge adjustment

Fig. 3 Hood latch & hood bumpers

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    Chevrolet Cobalt Service Manual

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