Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: Frame
With wheels of vehicle facing
straight ahead, secure steering wheel utilizing steering column anti-rotation
pin, steering column lock, or a strap to prevent rotation. Locking of steering
column will prevent damage and a possible fault of SIR system. Steering
wheel must be secured in position before disconnecting following components:
Steering column, Intermediate shaft(s), Steering gear. After disconnecting
these components, do not rotate steering wheel or move front tires and wheels.
Failure to follow this procedure may cause SIR coil assembly to become un-centered
and cause possible damage to SIR coil. If you think SIR coil has became
un-centered, refer to your specific SIR coil’s centering procedure to
re-center SIR Coil. |
Special tool: J 24319-B Steering
Linkage and Tie Rod Puller. |
Special tool: J 43631 Ball Joint
Remover. |
1. |
With wheels in straight ahead position,
remove key from ignition switch. |
2. |
Secure cooling module to upper body
structure, Fig. 1. |
3. |
Raise and support vehicle. |
4. |
Remove front wheels from vehicle. |
5. |
Remove left and right splash shields
and three screws in inner fenders. |
6. |
Remove lower radiator air deflector
from frame. |
7. |
Remove front transaxle mount to frame
through bolt, Fig. 2. |
8. |
Remove rear transaxle mount to frame
bolts, Fig. 3. |
9. |
Remove both stabilizer link to stabilizer
shaft nuts, Fig. 4. |
10. |
Remove both tie rod to steering knuckle
nuts, Fig. 5. |
11. |
Use J 24319-B or equivalent to separate
outer tie rods from steering knuckles, Fig. 6. |
12. |
Remove intermediate steering shaft
to steering gear pinch bolt and discard, Fig. 7.Note:
DO NOT rotate intermediate shaft once separated from gear. Possible
damage could occur. |
13. |
Disconnect intermediate steering shaft
from steering gear. |
14. |
Remove both lower control arm ball
stud to steering knuckle pinch bolts, Fig. 8.
Do not free ball stud by using a pickle fork or a wedge-type tool.
Damage to seal or bushing may result. |
15. |
Lower both lower control arms in order
to disengage steering knuckle. If required, use J 43631 or equivalent.
Do not free ball stud by using a pickle fork or a wedge-type
tool. Damage to seal or bushing may result. |
16. |
Mark frame to body position with a
paint pen or permanent marker. |
17. |
Lower vehicle to approximately three
feet off ground in order to place a hydraulic lift table under frame. |
18. |
Use two 2 x 4's between lift table
and frame and lift table to frame. |
19. |
Slowly remove frame bolts using following
sequence: |
a. |
Remove front frame bolts. |
b. |
Remove rear frame bolts, Fig.
9. |
20. |
Slowly lower lift table and frame to
floor. |
21. |
Continue with following steps when
replacing frame: |
a. |
Remove steering gear from frame, as
required. |
b. |
Remove stabilizer bar from frame, as
required. |
c. |
Remove lower control arms from frame,
as required. |
d. |
Remove radiator brackets from frame. |
1. |
If replacing frame, perform following
steps: |
a. |
Install radiator brackets to frame. |
b. |
Install lower control arms to frame,
as required. |
c. |
Install stabilizer bar to frame, as
required. |
d. |
Install steering gear to frame, as
required. |
2. |
With frame on lift table, raise frame
to vehicle. |
3. |
Hand start all frame bolts while aligning
frame to paint marks, Fig. 9.Torque
frame bolts to 74 ft. lbs., plus 180°. |
4. |
Lower and remove hydraulic table. |
5. |
Connect lower control arm to steering
knuckle, Fig. 8. |
6. |
Install ball joint pinch bolt and nut.
Note: Torque sequence must be followed in order that is listed: |
a. |
First Pass: Torque nut to 37
ft. lbs. |
c. |
Second Pass: Torque nut to 37
ft. lbs., plus 30°. |
7. |
Hand start front transaxle mount through
bolt, Fig. 2. |
8. |
Loosen rear transmission mount through
bolt. Note: Front and rear transmission mounts must be allowed
to settle with through bolts loosened. |
9. |
Torque rear transaxle mount
to frame bolts to 37 ft. lbs., Fig. 3. |
10. |
Front and rear transaxle mount through
bolts in following order: |
a. |
Torque rear bolt to 74 ft. lbs. |
b. |
Torque front bolt to 74 ft.
lbs. |
11. |
Install outer tie rods to steering
knuckles. |
12. |
Install new outer tie rod to knuckle
nuts, Fig. 5.Torque to 18 ft. lbs.,
plus 90 degrees. |
13. |
Connect stabilizer links to stabilizer
shaft, Fig. 4. |
14. |
Connect intermediate shaft to steering
gear. |
15. |
Install a new intermediate shaft pinch
bolt, Fig. 7.Torque to 25 ft. lbs. |
16. |
Install left and right splash shields
and three inner fender screws, as required. |
17. |
Install lower radiator air deflector
to frame. |
18. |
Install front wheels, as required. |
20. |
Road test vehicle in order to test
for following conditions: |
a. |
Steering leads or pulls. Inspect wheel
alignment measurement, as required. |
b. |
Abnormal powertrain noise or vibration
at idle. Inspect and adjust, as required. |

Fig. 1 Radiator upper core support

Fig. 2 Front transaxle mount

Fig. 3 Rear transaxle mount

Fig. 4 Stabilizer link

Fig. 5 Outer tie rod end to steering knuckle

Fig. 6 Tie rod separation tool

Fig. 7 Intermediate steering shaft

Fig. 8 Lower control arm stud to steering knuckle

Fig. 9 Front frame bolts
Open door.
Remove front side door lock striker
screws, Fig. 1.
Remove front side do ...
Remove headlamp assemblies, as required.
Remove front fender liners as outlined
in Front Fender Liner.
See also:
Chevrolet Cobalt Owners Manual. Roadside Assistance Program
U.S.: 1-800-CHEV-USA (1-800-243-8872)
TTY Users: 1-888-889-2438
Canada: 1-800-268-6800
As the owner of a new Chevrolet, you are automatically
enrolled in the Roadside Assistance program.
This program provides technically trained advisors
who are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year,
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Chevrolet Cobalt Owners Manual
Chevrolet Cobalt Service Manual