The J 43600 is a complete air conditioning service center for R-134a. The ACR 2000 recovers, recycles, evacuates and recharges A/C refrigerant quickly, accurately and automatically. The unit has a display screen that contains the function controls and displays prompts that will lead the technician through the recover, recycle, evacuate and recharge operations. R-134a is recovered into and charged out of an internal storage vessel. The ACR 2000 automatically replenishes this vessel from an external source tank in order to maintain a constant 12-15 lbs., of A/C refrigerant. |
The ACR 2000 has a built in A/C refrigerant identifier that will test for contamination, prior to recovery and will notify the technician if there are foreign gases present in the A/C system. If foreign gases are present, the ACR 2000 will not recover the refrigerant from the A/C system. |
Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual. Coil Spring, Replace
Raise and support vehicle.
Support rear axle with suitable jack
stands near each shock absorber.
Remove U-clips from rear axle brake
hose brackets.
Remove ...