Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual: Clutch, Replace

1. Evacuate system as outlined under "Refrigerant Recovery" in "General Service" on main menu selection.
2. Raise and support the vehicle.
3. Remove righthand front fender inner liner screws and pin type retainers, then the liner.
4. Rotate drive belt tensioner counterclockwise to release tensioner spring tension.
5. Remove drive belt.
6. Disconnect A/C compressor electrical connector.
7. Remove A/C compressor hoses from compressor, Fig. 1, then seal hose opening.
8. Remove and discard sealing washers.
9. Remove compressor mounting bolts, Fig. 2, then the compressor.
10. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
  a. Torque compressor hoses to 12-15 ft. lbs.
  b. Torque compressor mounting bolts to 16 ft. lbs.
11. Remove and discard compressor clutch plate bolt. Use clutch drive plate bolt using clutch plate holding tool No. J 37872, or equivalent, Fig. 3.
12. Remove compressor clutch plate.
13. Remove compressor pulley snap ring using suitable snap ring pliers.
14. Slide compressor pulley off of compressor.
15. Remove compressor clutch coil snap ring using suitable snap ring pliers.
16. Slide compressor clutch coil off of compressor.
17. Carefully clean clutch plate bolt threads with a M6 x 1.0 tap. Carefully blow out debris with compressed air.
18. Slide compressor clutch coil onto compressor, Fig. 4.
19. Install compressor clutch coil snap ring using suitable snap ring pliers.
20. Place a small amount of oil on 0.016 inch air gap shim and place inside clutch drive plate.
21. Install compressor clutch plate.
22. Measure air gap between pulley and drive plate, then adjust shims to achieve a 0.012-0.024 inch air gap, Fig. 5. Ensure drive plate does not drag against pulley when pulley is rotated.
23. Make certain that new drive plate bolt has colored adhesive on at least 5 threads. Install the clutch drive plate bolt using clutch plate holding tool No. J 37872, or equivalent, Fig. 3.
24. Torque compressor clutch drive plate bolt to 106 inch lbs.

Fig. 1 A/C compressor hoses & seal removal

Fig. 2 Exploded view of compressor replacement

Fig. 3 Clutch plate holding tool & bolt installation

Fig. 4 Install dutch pulley onto compressor

Fig. 5 Compressor clutch air gap adjustment

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