Chevrolet Cobalt Owners Manual: Engine Drive Belt Routing

Dotted line shows routing for vehicles without air
Replacement parts identified below by name, part number, or specification can
be obtained from your dealer/retailer.
Maintenance Replacement Parts ...
After the scheduled services are performed, record the date, odometer
reading, who performed the service, and the
type of services performed in the boxes provided. Retain all maintenance
receipts ...
See also:
Chevrolet Cobalt Owners Manual. Warning Lights, Gauges, and Indicators
Warning lights and gauges can signal that something is
wrong before it becomes serious enough to cause an
expensive repair or replacement. Paying attention to the
warning lights and gauges could prevent injury.
Warning lights come on when there might be or there
is a problem with one of the veh ...
Chevrolet Cobalt Owners Manual
Chevrolet Cobalt Service Manual