To prepare your vehicle for a long trip, consider having it serviced by your dealer/retailer before departing.
Things to check on your own include: - Windshield Washer Fluid: Reservoir full?
Windows clean — inside and outside?
- Wiper Blades: In good shape?
- Fuel, Engine Oil, Other Fluids: All levels checked?
- Lamps: Do they all work and are lenses clean?
- Tires: Are treads good? Are tires inflated to recommended pressure?
- Weather and Maps: Safe to travel?
Have up-to-date maps?
Chevrolet Cobalt Service & Repair Manual. Cobalt & G5
Recommended Service
Service Interval
Inspect Lamps, Seat Belt & Warning Devices
At Least Once Every 6 Months
Lubricate Hinges, Latches, Lock Cylinders & Strikers
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